As spring comes knocking, this is the most ideal time for thinking about the plants we should plant to save the bees. The importance of bees in our lives can not be underrated in anyway.
Why save bees?
Unknowingly to most people, there are many reasons why saving bees is of paramount importance. From the pumpkins to almonds and apples among others, we have everything to thank bees for. Colony Collapse Disorder is a condition that has been causing the plummeting of bee populations nowadays. What these means is that these foods which grow via pollination are at a great risk. For the past two decades, over 25% of the honey bee population in US has disappeared and this trend is still continuing. Bees are in a category of animals known as pollinators which also includes bats, bids, butterflies and beetles. Without the activities of bees in spreading seeds, many plants especially food crops are at a risk of dying off.