If you have been raring some chickens at your home, then you probably know too well that chickens can be very notorious when it comes to making their castles a nasty mess. A dirty coop must be cleaned as it increases the risks of not just the chickens getting ill but also the people around them as well. Cleaning your chicken coop shouldn’t be a hard thing as such especially if you know exactly what needs to be done. Most people view their chickens as their family pets and as such, high cleaning standards are expected from them.
Cleaning your chicken coop helps in ensuring that the eggs that your birds are laying are clean, the chickens are healthy and most importantly, it will help ensure that your chickens lead very happy lives free from diseases. It is advisable that you clean your chicken coop at least once in every 1 to 2 weeks. However, how frequent you do the cleaning will mainly depend on the need as well as the prevailing weather. The whole process of cleaning your chicken coop should take you about 20 minutes at most right from the start to finish. Here is a guideline on how to go about cleaning your chicken coop.