Providing food, nesting materials, nesting boxes and a seemingly natural habitat with adequate water supply are all crucial when it comes to attracting bees to your backyard. This will give you a much nicer view of these beautiful birds and if you do it properly, you will make the life of these birds incredibly easier. Seeing your backyard full of many different types of beautiful birds is something which your entire family will enjoy seeing. A recent study showed that about 80 percent of birds in US live in private hands. Here are some few things that you will need to do in order to attract a large number of birds to your backyard.
Install a bird feeder
The first and most important thing in attracting birds to your backyard is by installing a bird feeder. You must select the right feeders and identify foods that appeal to your birds greatly so that you can attract more of the birds. Good maintenance of the feeders is also essential as this will help ensure that the birds continue living at your backyard for long without flying away. Your feeders must also include appealing food items like eggshells, mealworms and fruits. These kinds of foods provide your birds with extra nourishment.
Provide running water
As birds are migrating, they will hear the sweet sound of cool running water in your pond or birdbath and they will be attracted to them. Birds need plenty of water not just to drink but also for taking a quick dip as well. Most of these migrants which visit birdbaths fitted with running water get to eat the insects and such include warblers, flycatchers, vireos, thrashers and thrushes. During the hot summer season, birds are more likely to spend most of their time in a pool of water and this is a great way to have them in your backyard for long.